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About Cristian.Fatu

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  1. The fact the the project runs in Baremetal is great. It means that you have the proper hardware platform on one hand, and the proper Zmodlib code (which is identical on baremetal and platform) on another hand. So focus on providing the same hardware platform, build the project for linux (be sure you are defining LINUX_APP in your project) and it should work. Good luck.
  2. In order to answer the concern from your initial post, I will tell you some words about the trigger. ZmodADC, regarded as a data acquisition device, can be configured (through ZMODADC1410 Class functions) to start the acquisition immediately or to start the acquisition only when a specific condition is met. This condition is called trigger condition, and may be defined by setting the trigger level, trigger mode, trigger edge and window position. You can read more details about these on https://digilent.com/reference/zmod/scope/zmodadc1410libraryuserguide. The function ZMODADC1410::acquireTriggeredPolling starts by setting the trigger (call to ZMODADC1410::setTrigger), prepares the buffer length, starts the acquisition and then waits until a buffer of acquired data is available by polling the buffer full bit. In this moment acquired data is in the buffer, so the only thing left is to perform the DMA transfer of the acquired data. Below is a explanation of the trigger parameters, taken from the above mentioned user guide.
  3. This is great news ! Congratulations, you did it faster than I was expecting. Also, thank you for sharing all the needed knowledge, this is brings great value to this community.
  4. You are always welcome, I am glad to hear that things work. Good luck, and write us when you have questions.
  5. Most probably you will encounter issues due to the Xilinx internal libraries which you aren't linking and Xilinx SDK does. Anyway is a good opportunity for you to learn a lot and enjoy at least stages success. Good luck, and I wish you to enjoy the final success.
  6. I am very glad that you managed to do it. Good luck, and write us if you have more questions.
  7. Hello, In order to use both (or one) channels you have to: 1. Call allocChannelsBuffer to allocate the buffer, according to the desired size bufSize. It allocates a buffer of 32 bits values (for both channels). 2. Populate the buffer: For each sample (0 to bufSize -1), place in buffer a 32 bits value obtained like this: for each desired channels (two or one) call arrangeChannelData or arrangeSignedChannelData, providing a 16 bits value corresponding to that channel. From these 16 bits, only 14 bits will be used. 3. Call setData function to transfer the buffer to the DAC internal IP buffer 4. Call start function to start the DAC generation process. For more details see https://digilent.com/reference/zmod/awg/zmoddac1411libraryuserguide
  8. We only supported the build through the Xilinx tools. Still, I am guessing that you should be able to build using native gcc compiler, having a proper makefile or build command. This might be a difficult task if you are a beginner. Taking a look on the screen caption you sent, it seems that the source files (.c) from zmodlib/Zmod/linux/reg, zmodlib/Zmod/linux/flash/, zmodlib/Zmod/linux/dma are never compiled. They are not mentioned in your command line, you only add .o files.
  9. Hello, What branch have you used after cloning the repository on github ? Please tell us the location you used for cloning the Zmod libraries. Also, be sure that you are cloning the submodules, as zmodlib is a submodule on git. Also, be sure you are defining LINUX_APP in your project. As Ionel mentioned, the fnInitZmod is declared in zmodlib\zmod\reg.h and defined in zmodlib/zmod/linux/reg/reg.c. Please check that the mentioned files are visible under selected branch. For more details please read https://digilent.com/reference/zmod/zmodbaselibraryuserguide
  10. Hello, There is 1 year warranty for manufacturing defects (see Limited Warranty section of https://digilent.com/shop/shipping-returns/). Best Regards, Cristian Fatu
  11. You are welcome. Glad to see that this is finally solved. Best Regards, Cristian
  12. I have requested replacement for your probes. I was informed that replacement probes were send to you. Tell me if you are not receiving them.
  13. Hello, When contacting Digikey you can inform them that Digilent approves this replacement. Best Regards, Cristian Fatu
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