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Posts posted by Joe_01

  1. Hi JColvin,

    Thank you for your answer! By now I managed to get the communication to the ZMods runnings thanks to the great tutorials here: https://www.hackster.io/whitney-knitter/hello-zmods-on-the-eclypse-z7-99107d. At least I start to get into the overall structure :)

    Now I try to figure out how to integrate PMOD's. I'd like to use the two PMOD ports as generic IO's (I will use them to control external components) and I'd like to change the IO's from the C environment in Vitis (which again will be configured via Python from the PC). Is there maybe a good introduction on how I can control the PMOD IO's in Vitis, or which of the example projects can I use as a guideline?

    Thanks a lot!


  2. Dear forum members,

    I tried to get into the Eclypse environment, with at least partial success. I am using the newest Vivado + Vitis version (2020.2) and I could go through the very basic tutorials, even though the IP integration tutorial did not work out in the final steps.

    Now I try to find out since some days how to get access to all the board file libraries or some demo projects to use the existing environments and reprogram the device to my needs, however even after going through the Zmod lib, and dedicated ADC/DAC tutorials I do not really manage to find the necessary files (or I am simply confused in the directories). In the "git repositories" tutorial it says that the demos are only compatible with 2019.1, is it now somehow possible to still work on it with 2020.2? Or do I need to the old version to get everything running? If there is an updated tutorial that would be also very helpful :)

    I am basically trying to build up such an infrastructure:


    as a measuring platform for my PhD project. If there are similar projects that might help I would be very happy about it :)


    Many thanks,



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