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  1. Yes, will try that as well. So can I just load a steram 0 and 1 as a script in the Custom I2C pattern? Thanks.
  2. Hi JClovin, Thanks for the tip. I have imported a binary file with 256 binary words into the custom pattern window. Have ended with this. I'm not sure what you mean by a "different AD2 configuration" - I assume you meant a startup dialog window, right?
  3. Thanks Attila, I think I have messed with the code, so need to understand it better. Still learning an SPI protocol. Jurek
  4. I would like to send a sequence of numbers in binary code as a serial stream from 0-255. How can I do this in AD2? From what I see, I can use the BUS for parallel transmission of a counter, but I want to do it serially to control the SCL pin of the EEPROM 24C02. I don't want to use SPI. Thanks Jurek
  5. I have the following problem with the SPI protocol in WaveForms. I am a beginner and I can't figure it out. My goal is to control the AD9833 chip via SPI. I can't get the chip to work; I can't change the waveform from sine to triangle or adjust the frequency. I'm not sure if the settings themselves are correct. Here are the steps I'm taking to send commands from the "Master" tab: 1. Adding the first command (Control word 0x2102): - Command: 0x2102 - Bits: 16 - Word bits: 16 - Clicking the Execute button. 2. Adding the second command (Frequency LSB 0x4006): - Command: 0x4006 - Bits: 16 - Word bits: 16 - Clicking the Execute button. 3. Adding the third command (Frequency MSB 0x402A): - Command: 0x402A - Bits: 16 - Word bits: 16 - Clicking the Execute button. The problem is that each new command replaces the previous one. I would like to appreciate your help. ad9833.pdf
  6. My name is Jurek, and I am a hobbyist electronics enthusiast focused on building musical devices and DIY synths. Thank you for allowing me to join the community. I have been using the extended Analog Discovery 2 set along with its peripherals for several years. I am learning digital electronics, and the AD2 has been very helpful in this regard. Many functions are still unclear to me due to the lack of a good manual explaining the features. However, I hope that with your help, I can master my skills in using the AD2 and WaveForms. Some of my projects: Analog Discovery 2 Parallel EEPROM switching data 64 bytes Binary Sequencer (3) 64 bytes Binary Sequencer (1) 64 bytes Binary Sequencer (2)
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