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Posts posted by bhysjulien

  1. I hope I am posting this in the correct place. I'm confused by the behavior of both my Analog Discovery 2 and Studio that I just purchased. When I use WaveForms and take a sample with the Oscilloscope 1 and 2 I get the correct readings (for both devices). 

    When I use any of the Python Example codes that come with the software I get a voltage of 2.7V on channel 1 no matter what dc voltage I attach it to. I haven't tried providing waveforms yet. I am just trying to establish a baseline. Why is it when I use the Python Script I only ever get about 2.7V on channel 1. and channel 2 works just fine. 

    This is the case for both my Discovery 2 and Studio. 

    Note: when I remove the lead from the voltage supply it drops down to roughly zero volts. In other words, I know it is acknowledging that it is attached to a voltage, its just a matter of the voltage reading being incorrect when its read in from the python script. 

    I've attached one of the python example codes. 


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