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Takemasa Tamanuki

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Posts posted by Takemasa Tamanuki

  1. > Yes, the board comes with a voucher for obtaining a node-locked license to create a bitstream file for this device.

    > These licenses are perpetual and are tied to either a HD ID or MAC ID so you can use them on the PC that is tied to your computer for as long as the PC is operable.


    Is one Kintex-7, XC7K325T (Genesys2) license also applicable for my business-colleague by “add user” on [Product Licensing] as a “full administrate”?

    I mean,

    I purchased Genesys2, Digillent (Kintex-7, XC7K325T) on Oct, 2021, and I registered a license with the voucher for a node-locked device license in the box.

    Recently, I added user for my business-colleague as a “full administrate” by entering his e-mail-address.

    Then, my business-colleague obtained some node-locked-licenses and loaded them to his Vivado-2020.2.

    However, his Vivado does not work for “Generate bitstream” with error-message of [Common 17-345: A valid license was not found for feature 'Synthesis' and/or device 'xc7k325t'....].

    Actually, “OEM Kintex-7 FPGA XC7K325T Vivado Design Edition Voucher” is listed on the [Manage Licenses] in my [Product Licensing], however that is not listed in the colleague’s [Product Licensing].

    Also, License name of “7K325T” is listed on the [License Manager (View License Status)] in my VIVADO, however, that is not listed in the colleague’s VIVADO.

    Please let me know how to solve this issue (for normal working without any errors of bitstream-generating on the colleague’s VIVADO.).

    I would appreciate if you could give me your kind advice.

  2. Hi, JColvin-san,

    Thanks again for your detail comments.

    > - Is the Genesys 2 powered on with a 12V power supply?


    >- Did you install the cable drivers as part of the Vivado download (it was a checkable box); if not you can install them

    Since I did not install it, I installed it this time.

    Install-file: “install_digilent.exe”  on  C:\Xilinx\Vivado\2020.2\data\xicom\cable_drivers\nt64\digilent

    Install to: C:\Program Files (x86)\Digilent (see attached figs. )


    > In the Windows Device manager, when you connect the Genesys 2 to the host computer, does "USB Serial Converter" appear in the with a Bus Reported Device Description of "Digilent USB Device", much like in the screenshot on this post,

    “Digilent Adept USB Device” (<-- “Not Digilent USB Device”) are shown in the USB Serial Converter A and B, respectively (see attached figs.).


    However, still same error-message of

    [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:…………

    is shown.


    I would appreciate your advice to solve it.


    T. Tamanuki

  3. Hi, JColvin-san,

    Many thanks for your detail comments.

    Actually, I e-mail received lic-file from Xilinx. (I had not noticed that mail because that was posted in a mail-folder which I don't usually use it.)

    The lic-file was copied to my Vivado-PC and finally, I success to generate a bitstream-file.

    However, I can not program the bitstream-file to my Genesys2.

    I am trying to program by USB (JTAG).

    My PC is USB-cable connected to the JTAG-port (J17). (as set the JP4=USB, JP5=JTAG).

    After execute [Open Target], [Auto connect], error is occurred and I can not program it.

    [Labtools 27-2269] No devices detected on target localhost:…………

    Also, device is not detected (Number of devices: 0)

    I would appreciate it if you could give the solutions about this issue.



    T. Tamanuki








  4. Hi, zygot_san,


    I entered the license No. (xxxx-xxxxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxx) of Genesys2-voucher into “Have a Voucher to Redeem?”, then push [Redeem Now] on the Product Licensing page, XILINX.

    However, the synthesis-error of [Common 17-345] is still occurred.

    Please let me know the solutions about this issue.

    I did not do the “3. Generate a FLEX license file for your product.” Please let me know this procedure, if my issue is related not to do this procedure.



    T. Tamanuki

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